Seiji Sakamoto was born in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, in 1970 and received his Ph.D. in 1999 from Tokyo Institute of Technology under the guidance of Professor Hisakazu Mihara.
From 1999-2001, he worked as a PostDoc (JSPS) in Donald Hilvert laboratory in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zurich).
From 2001-2002, he worked as an assistant professor in Institute of Advanced Energy in Kyoto University.
From 2002-2008, he worked as an assistant professor in Institute of Industrial Science in University of Tokyo.
From 2008-2017, he worked as an assistant professor in Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials in Tohoku University.
From 2017-, he works as an assistant professor in Itaru Hamachi laboratory in Kyoto University.
In 2022, he was promoted to a program specific associate professor.
His research interests include protein & peptide engineering and chemical biology.
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