

Prof. Ludovic Jullien (Ecole Normale Supérieure, FRANCE)
"Chemical Approaches for Control and Analysis of Biological Processes"
2012.11.21 16:00-17:30 A2-308
杉安 和憲 博士 (独立行政法人 物質・材料研究機構)
2012.11.16 16:00-17:30 A2-308
齊藤 博英 准教授 (京都大学 白眉プロジェクト)
2012.10.18 10:30-11:30 A2-308
Dr. Yoshitomo Hamuro (ExSAR Corporation, USA)
"Life and Research in the United States:From Graduate School to Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industry"
2012.9.25 15:30-17:00 A2-305
Prof. Young Tae Chang (National University of Singapore, SHINGAPORE)
"New approach for Molecular Imaging by Diversity Oriented Fluorescence Library Approach (DOFLA)"
2012.7.3 16:00-17:30 A2-306

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