Oral Presentation 2003

Invited Lectures at International Conference

Supramolecular Hydrogel as Bio/nano-interface

Itaru Hamachi
Indo-Japan Workshop on Advanced Molecular Electronics and Bionics (JAPAN) 12/11-13

Semi-wet Peptide/Protein Array Using Supramolecular Hydrogel

Itaru Hamachi
International Symposium on Scientific and Industrial Nanotechnology 2003 (JAPAN) 12/8-9

Molecular Recognition to Phosphorylated Proteins Surface and Its Application

Itaru Hamachi
KISPOC (JAPAN) 9/30-10/3

Supramolecular Chemistry toward Protein Surface

Itaru Hamachi
2nd 日韓天然物会議 (KOREA) 9/17-19

Protein/Peptide Recognition and Reaction by Artificial Receptors

Itaru Hamachi
19th International Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry (U.S.A) 8/10-15

Regulation of Protein Function by Molecular Recognition

Itaru Hamachi
3rd Pepitide Engineering Meeting (U.S.A) 7/15-18

Nano-engineering of Protein Surface

Itaru Hamachi
第一回バイオ・ナノインターフェース国際会議 (JAPAN) 5/20-24

Organic Chemistry toward Protein Surfaces

Itaru Hamachi
日本化学会九州支部・韓国合同会議 (JAPAN) 5/8-9

Invited Lectures at Domestic Conference


浜地 格
応用物理学会秋年会 8/30-31


浜地 格
グライコサイエンス若手の会 8/7-8


浜地 格
H15有機合成化学協会講習会 6/19-20


浜地 格
19回機能性ホスト・ゲスト研究会 3/17


浜地 格
ナノテク支援公開講演会 3/8


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