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**Name [#wa52e454]
Toshimichi Ohmura
**Address [#k87d9d34]
-Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological
Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto
-Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan
-Phone +81-75-383-2719; FAX +81-75-383-2722
-e-mail: ohmura[atmark]sbchem.kyoto-u.ac.jp
**Personal [#p3366905]
Born: February, 1973
**Interests [#a0c40c60]
Organometallic Chemistry, Organic Synthesis
**Experience [#j22b8cb3]
-1995-1996 Undergraduate Student with Professor Norio Miyaura, Hokkaido Univ.~
-1996-2001 Graduate Student with Professor Norio Miyaura, Hokkaido Univ.~
-2001-2002 Postdoctoral Fellow with Professor John F. Hartwig, Yale Univ.~
-2002-2004 JST Postdoctoral Fellow, Kyoto Univ.~
-2004-2009 Assistant Professor, Kyoto Univ.~
-2009-2012 Senior Lecturer, Kyoto Univ.~
-2012-present Associate Professor, Kyoto Univ.~
**Education [#i345f2f9]
Hokkaido University: B.S. in 1996; Ph.D. in 2001
**Awards [#se55acae]
-2008 Special Lecture for Young Chemists in 88th CSJ Spring Annual Meeting
-2008 ICOMC-Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis Poster Prize
-2010 Incentive Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
-2011 The Society of Silicon Chemistry Award for Young Chemist
-2021 SSOCJ Nissan Chemical Corporation Award for Novel Reaction & Method 2020
- &ref(Publication_Sep2018.pdf,,Publication List (Sep2018));
- &ref(Publication_Jan2022.pdf,,Publication List (Jan2022));

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