


  • Flash Generation of α-(Trifluoromethyl)vinyllithium and Application to Continuous Flow Three-Component Synthesis of α-Trifluoromethylamides.
    Nagaki, A.; Tokuoka, S.; Yoshida, J.
    Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 15079-15081.
  • Three-Component Coupling Based on Flash Chemistry. Carbolithiation of Benzyne with Functionalized Aryllithiums Followed by Reactions with Electrophiles.
    Nagaki, A.; Ichinari, D.; Yoshida, J.
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 12245-12248.
  • Expandability of Ultralong CC Bonds: Largely Different C1C2 Bond Lengths Determined by Low-temperature X-ray Structural Analyses on Pseudopolymorphs of 1,1-Bis(4-fluorophenyl)-2,2-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)pyracene.
    Suzuki, T.; Uchimura, Y.; Nagasawa, F.; Takeda, T.; Kawai, H.; Katoono, R.; Fujiwara, K.; Murakoshi, K.; Fukushima, T.; Nagaki, A.;Yoshida, J.
    Chem. Lett. 2014, 43, 86-88.
  • Extremely Fast Gas/Liquid Reactions in Flow Microreactors: Carboxylation of Short-Lived Organolithiums.
    Nagaki, A.; Takahashi, Y.; Yoshida, J.
    Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 7931-7934.
  • Introduction of Two Lithiooxycarbonyl Groups Enhances Cyclability of Lithium Batteries with Organic Cathode Materials.
    Shimizu, A.; Kuramoto, H.; Tsujii, Y.; Nokami, T.; Inatomi, Y.; Hojo, N.; Suzuki, H.; Yoshida, J.
    J. Power Sources 2014, 260, 211–217.
  • Nitrogen-Containing Polycyclic Quinones as Cathode Materials for LIB. Improving Voltage by Electronegativity and Lithium Coordination.
    Shimizu, A.; Tsujii, Y.; Kuramoto, H.; Nokami, T.; Inatomi, Y.; Hojo N.; Yoshida, J.
    Energy Technol. 2014, 2, 155–158.
  • Addition of N-Acyliminium Ion Pools to Alkenes Having a Nucleophilic Moiety: Integration of Intermolecular and Intramolecular Reactions.
    Ashikari, Y.; Kiuchi, Y.; Takeuchi, T.; Ueoka, K.; Suga, S.; Yoshida, J.
    Chem. Lett. 2014, 43, 210–212.

Review, Book


  • Microreactor Technology in Lithium Chemistry
    Nagaki, A.; Yoshida, J.
    Lithium Compounds in Organic Synthesis - From Fundamentals to Applications. 2014, Wiley-VCH, 491-512 (Chapter 17).
  • 重合反応
    Nagaki, A.
    「フロー・マイクロ合成 基礎から実際の合成・製造まで」化学同人, 2014, 217-226 (第18章).
  • 有機金属反応
    Nagaki, A.
    「フロー・マイクロ合成 基礎から実際の合成・製造まで」化学同人, 2014, 125-133 (第11章).
  • キノンを基本骨格とする正極活物質を用いる有機二次電池
    Shimizu, A.; Nokami, T.; Yoshida, J.
    Electrochemistry, 2014, 82, 688-693.

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