Publication Lists 2015

Article Paper List

Biomembrane-embedded Catalysts for Membrane-associated Protein Labeling on Red Blood Cells

Yuki Yasueda, Tomonori Tamura, Keiko Kuwata, Yousuke Takaoka, Itaru Hamachi*
Chem. Lett., 44, 1673-1675 (2015)

Design of Coordination Interaction of Zn(II) Complex with Oligo-Aspartate Peptide to Afford a High-Affinity Tag-Probe Pair

Hirokazu Fuchida, Shigekazu Tabata, Naoya Shindo, Ippei Takashima, Qiao Leng, Yuji Hatsuyama, Itaru Hamachi, Akio Ojida*
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 88, 784-791 (2015)

Analysis of Cell-surface Receptor Dynamics Through Covalent Labeling by Catalyst-tethered Antibody

Takahiro Hayashi, Yuki Yasueda, Tomonori Tamura, Yousuke Takaoka, Itaru Hamachi
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137, 5372–5380 (2015)


Ligand-directed Dibromophenyl Benzoate Chemistry for Rapid and Selective Acylation of Intracellular Natural Proteins

Yousuke Takaoka, Yuki Nishikawa, Yuki Hashimoto, Kenta Sasaki, Itaru Hamachi*
Chem. Sci., 6, 3217 - 3224 (2015)


Chemically Reactive Supramolecular Hydrogel Coupled with a Signal Amplification System for Enhanced Analyte Sensitivity

Tatsuyuki Yoshii, Shoji Onogi, Hajime Shigemitsu, Itaru Hamachi
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137, 3360-3365 (2015)


Extended Affinity-guided DMAP Chemistry with Finely-tuned Acyl Donor for Intracellular FKBP12 Labeling

Zhining Song, Yousuke Takaoka, Yoshiyuki Kioi, Kazuhiro Komatsu, Tomonori Tamura, Takayuki Miki, Itaru Hamachi*
Chem. Lett., 44, 333-335 (2015)

Rapid and Quantitative Fluorescence Detection of Pathogenic Spore-forming Bacteria Using a Xanthene-Zn(II) Complex Chemosensor

Perapon Tiposoth, Somruethai Khamsakhon, Napong Ketsub, Thunyarat Pongtharangkul, Ippei Takashima, Akio Ojida, Itaru Hamachi, Jirarut Wongkongkatep*
Sensors and Actuators B, 209, 606-612 (2015)

Development of an AND Logic Gate-type Fluorescent Probe for Ratiometric Imaging of Autolysosome in Cell Autophagy

Ippei Takashima, Ryosuke Kawagoe, Itaru Hamachi, Akio Ojida
Chem. -A Euro. J., 21, 2038-2044 (2015)

Review Paper List

Validating Subcellular Thermal Changes Revealed by Fluorescent Thermosensors

Shigeki Kiyonaka, Reiko Sakaguchi, Itaru Hamachi, Takashi Morii, Takenao Yoshizaki, Yasuo Mori
Nature Methods, 12, 801-802 (2015)

Supramolecular Assemblies Responsive to Biomolecules toward Biological Applications

Hajime Shigemitsu, Itaru Hamachi
Chem. Asian J., 10, 2026-2038 (2015)

化学刺激応答超分子ヒドロゲルの開発 分子設計と機能発現

吉井 達之、浜地 格
化学と生物, 53, 398-401, (2015)

Protein Recognition with Synthetic Small-molecular Binders toward Optical Protein Sensing in Vitro and in Live Cells

Ryou Kubota, Itaru Hamachi
Chem. Soc. Rev., 44, 4454 - 4471 (2015)

Ligand-Directed Tosyl Chemistry for Selective Native Protein Labeling In Vitro, In Cells, and In Vivo

Shinya Tsukiji, Itaru Hamachi
Methods in Mol. Biol., 1266, 243-263 (2015)

Labeling Proteins by Affinity-guided DMAP Chemistry

Tomonori Tamura, Itaru Hamachi
Methods in Mol. Biol., 1266, 229-242 (2015)


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