Publication Lists 2014

Article Paper List

Intracellular Protein-responsive Supramolecules:Protein Sensing and In-cell Construction of Inhibitor Assay System

Tatsuyuki Yoshii, Keigo Mizusawa, Yousuke Takaoka, Itaru Hamachi*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136, 16635-16642 (2014)


Live Cell Off-target Identification of Lapatinib Using Ligand-Directed Tosyl Chemistry

Kei Yamaura, Keiko Kuwata, Tomonori Tamura, Yoshiyuki Kioi, Yousuke Takaoka, Shigeki Kiyonaka, Itaru Hamachi*
Chem. Commun., 50, 14097-14100

LDAI-based Chemical Labeling of Intact Membrane Proteins and its Pulse-Chase Analysis under Live Cell Conditions

Takayuki Miki, Sho-hei Fujishima, Kazuhiro Komatsu, Keiko Kuwata, Shigeki Kiyonaka, Itaru Hamachi*
Chemistry & Biology, 21, 1013-1022 (2014)

Two-photon Responsive Supramolecular Hydrogel for Controlling Materials Motion in Micrometer Space

Tatsuyuki Yoshii, Masato Ikeda, Itaru Hamachi*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 53, 7264–7267 (2014)


Installing Logic-gate Responses to a Variety of Biological Substances in Supramolecular Hydrogel–enzyme Hybrids

Masato Ikeda, Tatsuya Tanida, Tatsuyuki Yoshii, Kazuya Kurotani, Shoji Onogi, Kenji Urayama, Itaru Hamachi*
Nat. Chem., 6, 511-518 (2014)


Design of a Binuclear Ni(II)–iminodiacetic Acid (IDA) Complex for Selective Recognition and Covalent Labeling of His-tag Fused Proteins

Ikuko Takahira, Hirokazu Fuchida, Shigekazu Tabata, Naoya Shindo, Shohei Uchinomiya, Itaru Hamachi, Akio Ojida*
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 24, 2855–2858 (2014)

Hoechst Tagging: a Modular Strategy to Design Synthetic Fluorescent Probes for Live-cell Nucleus Imaging

Akinobu Nakamura, Kazumasa Takigawa, Yasutaka Kurishita, Keiko Kuwata, Manabu Ishida, Yasushi Shimoda, Itaru Hamachi*, Shinya Tsukiji*
Chem. Commun., 50, 6149—6152 (2014)

Design of Peptide-based Bolaamphiphile Exhibiting Heat-set Hydrogelation Via Retro-Diels-Alder Reaction

Rika Ochi, Takashi Nishida, Masato Ikeda, Itaru Hamachi*
J. Mater. Chem. B, 2, 1464-1469 (2014)

Design of Ratiometric Fluorescent Probes Based on Arene-Metal Ion Contact and Their Application to Cd(II) and Hydrogen Sulfide Imaging in Living Cell

Ippei Takashima, Miyuki Kinoshita, Ryosuke Kawagoe, Saika Nakagawa, Manabu Sugimoto, Itaru Hamachi, Akio Ojida*
Chem. -A Euro. J., 20, 2184-2192 (2014)

Review Paper List


重光 孟、浜地 格
超分子材料の設計と応用展開, 31-41, シーエムシー出版 (2014)


池田 将、浜地 格
現代化学, 524, 24-29, 東京化学同人 (2014)

Recent Progress in Design of Protein-based Fluorescent Biosensors and Their Cellular Applications

Tomonori Tamura, Itaru Hamachi*
ACS Chemical Biology, 9, 2708-2717 (2014)


小野木 祥玄、吉井 達之、浜地 格
ゲルテクノロジーハンドブック 機能設計・評価・シミュレーションから製造プロセス・製品化まで, 88-96, NTS (2014)

Ligand-directed Tosyl Chemistry for in Situ Native Protein Labeling and Engineering in Living Systems: from Basic Properties to Applications

Shinya Tsukiji, Itaru Hamachi*
Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol., 21, 136-143 (2014)

In Cell NMR に向けた化学-生物学的アプローチ

高岡 洋輔、浜地 格
生体の科学, 65, 2, 113-118, 医学書院 (2014)

Peptide Tag/Probe Pairs Based on Coordination Chemistry for Protein Labeling

Shohei Uchinomiya, Akio Ojida, Itaru Hamachi*
Inorg. Chem., 53, 1816-1823 (2014)


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